Planets in the 12th House – Mercury or Venus

Planets in the 12th House

Mercury or Venus in the 12th House

Mercury in the 12th House


When Mercury is in the 12th House without affliction, the individual will be thrifty and able to hold on to their wealth.

The individual will not have a lot of expenses and will spend on great causes and charities, or for devout purposes.

These individuals will appreciate a great deal of sexual pleasure and rest on fine beddings.

The significations of Mercury are hurt and therefore, the individual may be troubled in thought or intellect.

They may have issues in educational matters or intrusions in learning.

The person’s confidence and nervous system may moreover come under attack.

Ancient texts declare the individual to be destitute, cruel and humiliated, but capable of keeping their word.

Exalted or Own House

If Mercury is in Virgo or Gemini within the 12th House, the individual is exceptionally fortunate in holding their wealth and dodging expenses and debts.

They will not be bothered by hoodlums and thieves.

These individuals will be spiritual and meet with success in case they take to the way of enlightenment.

They will sleep on fine beds and appreciate a great deal of sexual pleasure in life.

They will have great hearing and vision.

The individual will be successful in any remote foreign nations that they visit.

Debilitated, or Fallen

If Mercury is in Pisces within the 12th House, the individual will not be able to hold on to wealth.

They will continuously confront huge debts and expenses.

They will sleep in decrepit beds and may reside in a low level after passing.

They will not get much sexual pleasure.

The individual is disturbed by cheats or secret enemies.

There is no success in remote foreign lands.

The significations of Mercury are crushed by this placement.  Subsequently, the individual may lack confidence and mental stability and be profoundly nervous.

Educational and intellectual interests are spoiled.

Venus in the 12th House


When Venus is in the 12th House, the person goes to heaven after death.

The native will sleep on fine beds and enjoy an abundance of sexual pleasure.

They will be very thrifty and able to hold on to their wealth.

They will not be subject to a great many expenses.

Although they spend money wisely, they are given to spending their wealth on luxuries and sensual pleasures.

These people will especially enjoy hosting parties and entertaining others.

They will be generous or intent on helping others with their money.

There will be a success on the path of self-realization and final liberation.

The Jyotish has declared this to be an excellent placement for wealth.  They also state that the person may lie or promise more than they can deliver.

Although it would seem that all of the significations of Venus should be devastated by the destructiveness of the 12th House, married life is not so harmed.

Happiness and artistic sensitivity may, however, be lacking.

All in all, Venus is the only planet considered to be generally beneficial in the 12th House.

If Venus is afflicted, then love affairs and married life are badly marred.

Exalted or Own House

If Venus is in Pisces, Taurus, or Libra, the person will go to heaven after death.

They will also enjoy great success if they pursue the path of enlightenment.

These people will be thrifty and capable of retaining their wealth.

They do not meet with unexpected debts and expenses.

They will sleep on very fine beds with ornaments and enjoy a great deal of sexual pleasure in life.

They will be highly successful in any experiences in remote foreign countries.

The person is protected from thieves, hoodlums and muggers and has no secret enemies.

The person’s spouse may be spiritual.

Debilitated, or Fallen

If Venus is in Virgo in the 12th House, the person’s marriage and love life are greatly harmed, or the spouse leads a troubled life and has health complications.

The person cannot hold on to money and is beset with huge expenses and debts.

The person may be overly indulgent in sex.

There may be a problem in the left eye, left ear, or feet.

There will be problems in remote-far-off countries if the person visits such places.


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